Ring size help
Start by measuring a current ring.
1. Select a ring that fits the intended finger well.
2. Measure the ring by placing it over the circles below.
3. Match the inside edge (inside diameter) of your ring to the circle closest in size.
4. If your ring lands between two sizes, choose the bigger size.

Measurements are based on Australian ring sizes.
Ring measurements are very precise. Carefully follow these instructions to obtain an accurate measurement.
1. When printing this sheet out, ensure that Page Scaling is set to “None” in your print dialogue box.
2. Once printed, measure the bar on the right. It must be exactly 1 in or 30mm long for the ring measurements on to be correct.
Ring sizes are shown on www. youforeva.com.au reflect ring sizes used in the U.S. To find your ring size, measure your finger and then use the International Ring Size Chart to convert your size to the corresponding U.S. size. That is the size you should order. For example, a ring size N1/2 in Australia would be a U.S. size 7.
Your ring should fit your finger comfortably. It should be snug but not tight. Loose enough to easily slide over your knuckle but not enough to fall off accidentally.
When measuring please bear in mind that your finger size will change depending on the time of day and weather.
For best results when measuring your finger:
1. Fingers are smaller in the early morning or when they are cold. As the day progresses and they warm, your fingers will swell slightly so be sure to complete your measurement towards the end of the day.
2. Measure your finger size at least 3 or 4 times to eliminate the risk of any errors.
3. Avoid using string or paper when measuring your ring size. These materials can stretch or twist, possibly leading to inaccurate measurements.
While the above methods are a good guide, nothing will be more failsafe than getting your local jeweller to measure your size accurately.
Please keep in mind that not all rings can be resized so please choose carefully as YOUFOREVA does not take responsibility for incorrect measurements.